Monday, June 22, 2009

Hip hip hooray! I'm officially finished with the couch to 5K program and I am happy to announce that I can now run 3 miles, just 2 short months after I began running again! My last day of the program was this past Saturday. I have had a hard time keeping up with my blog lately. I've been trying to stay off the computer because I feel as if I've been unintentionally spending too much time online. I get on for a very specific reason (to look up a recipe or communicate with a specific friend or family member) and then I wind up getting side-tracked. Anyways, I'll try to pick up where I left off last. We went to West Texas the weekend of the 13th to visit family and I ran on the treadmill at the hotel we stayed at. It was not a good time; I was cramped in a hot, tiny workout room with a low ceiling and a light about 8 inches from my head. I did 2.75 miles and it seemed to take FOREVER! It made me realize how much I have been enjoying running outside. Despite all that, I was happy to have a place to run. More than that though, I was happy I actually got up and did it. It is so easy to "forget" about working out when you're on vacation or out of town. Each of my workouts is crucial though; I am learning to seize the moment and just get it done and over with, especially with 2 kids.... you never know what the day will hold! Keith and I ran together on Monday evening and Wednesday evening. It was nice to have a running partner, even though I don't especially like running at night. Monday was pretty special for me-- I hit my goal--3 miles! So was Wednesday, as was my last run, on Saturday morning. I did a Jillian Michael's workout + an extra ab workout on Friday and was SOOOOO sore on Saturday I wasn't sure if I would be able to make it. But, it was my last day of c25K and it was going to take more than Jillian to keep me from finishing! Also, one reason I did the Jillian workout is because I have GOT to start cross training and strength training. Running every other day is getting the job done I suppose, but I know I need more. My baby weight is off. I weighed 113 the other day, which was my pre-prego weight. This postpartum body is carrying 113 so differently than before I had Lizzie! I'm in some major need of some muscle and I still have alot of belly flab to get rid of so I can see my beautiful abs again. :) Anyhow, running lately has been ok. The ankle problem is completely resolved, thanks to my new shoes. I've not yet had a problem with my shins hurting, and I contribute that to my awesome Mizunos as well. I still get side stiches though; which, unfortunately my shoes cannot fix. I've only had one really debilitating side stitch; the others, which have occured on all my runs (except tonight-more on that later!), I've been able to keep at bay through a variety of different techniques, mostly mind over matter, lol, because they hurt! :(

Anyways, so tonight started my "down" week, which isn't really down time at all, it's just a week that I don't have a set workout schedule. I ran 3.5 AMAZING miles tonight in 32:44. For some strange reason, I did not get a side stitch! It made all the difference in the quality of my run. I really enjoyed it tonight and am thoroughly convinced I could've gone another couple of miles if time would've allowed. Yes, that's how GREAT I felt. Next week, I start Hal Higdon's 10K training program. It's 8 weeks long, which means I'll be done with that on August 23rd. On August 24th, I start my official 1/2 Marathon training. It is 12 weeks long, and the last day of training is actually the race!!!

Keith and I are going to do this on July 4th, and I would really like to do this in August after my training for the 10K is complete.

Well, I think that's about all for now. oh yeah... One thing I am not proud of tonight: I topped my wonderful, awesome run off with leftover chicken fried steak, a biscuit, and a small sliver of pecan pie and a scoop of ice cream. Why, oh WHY THE HELL do I do things like that? YUCK! I made chicken fried steak and the whole 9 yards for Father's Day yesterday. I've been doing decent lately. Honestly, I still pretty much eat what I want to, but I try to fill up on veggies, fruits, healthy carbs, yogurt, cottage cheese, lean meats, etc so I stay away from the junk. I love summertime--the produce section of the grocery store is so beautiful and bountiful. Soooooooooooo delicious!

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