Saturday, August 8, 2009

ahhhhhhhhh! where has the time gone? i have not blogged in forever and i am so mad at myself. things have been crazy around here though... Bradyn's been out of his preschool all summer and Elizabeth is not the teeny tiny baby that sleeps all day anymore. hence, i've not had much time to sit and write, some days i'm lucky to just get my runs done, much less blog about it.

overall, things have been going good. i ran (and LOVED) my first 5K on july 4th. My time was 25:44 (i think) and i averaged an 8:14 minute mile. not too bad. i just wanted to make it in under 30 minutes. competing was exhilerating! i wasn't competing to win, obviously, but once i got out there, i discovered i may be a little more competitive than i thought i was! it was tons of fun and i am already looking forward to my next 5K. i am going to do one in brownwood in september with my mom; it'll be her first one!

i'm in the midst of a 10K training plan, and it's not going so well. I do great on the runs, it's just every other day... i'm supposed to be doing at 2 days of cross training (for 40, 50, 60 minutes) and i never make it to the gym to do that. i do workouts on the tv here and there, but essentially, i am MAJORLY slacking. i'm hard-pressed to get to the gym with a husband that works over 40 hours a week, a baby that refuses to take a bottle, a 3 (almost 4) year old, all the household responsibilities, cooking dinner, etc. I don't go during the day because: Elizabeth is kinda finnicky (sp?) as to who is holding/watching her (she's a big time momma's girl) and i am scared to take her to the gym. it's hardly worth it if i'm going to get called out to come get her from the kids room 1/2 through my workout. she's too big to just sit in her carseat the whole time, but too little to sit completely unassisted. that means she'd be scooting on her belly on the floor (YUCK!), or the kid's room attendant would have to hold her the whole time. i don't want to have to worry about her choking on a toy that some kid has left on the floor. also, i'm hesitant to take bradyn anywhere for fear of him throwing a big time tantrum when it's time to leave. and alas, i'm still a swine flu freak. ;-) so, i my gym time has to be carefully orchestrated, otherwise, i don't get to go... which is most of the time.

in other news, i'm scheduled for a 5 mile run tomorrow. i hope it goes ok. we went on vacation last week and i, regrettably (sp), vacationed from my running also. i was sore getting back into it, but i'm going to be ok. i FINALLY got some songs on my ipod that my brother gave me for christmas, and i LOOOOOOOOOVE IT! there's no way i could do my longer runs without it! thank you zach!

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