Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Awesomeness that a word? :) So, while running today, I decided I was awesome. For real. 30 pound double jogging stroller, 33 pound Bradyn, 13 1/2 pound Elizabeth. Me pushing. Pretty awesome. Today my workout consisted of a 5 minute warm-up, 90 second jog, 90 second walk, 3 minute jog, 3 minute walk, and repeat. Then I walked another 15 minutes. So, not like I ran 8 miles with them or anything, but I was still proud of myself. I'm LOVING the new stroller. It's sooooo smooth on the road, has a wonderful sun canopy that keeps the kids very well shaded, and is just beautiful. So beautiful I'm almost scared to use it because I don't want it to get dirty!

My ankles were hurting a little bit yesterday and today and I contemplated whether I should run today or not, but honestly, about 3 hours before I went out, they started feeling better. I think they were just kinda sore from the pounding and motion that they're not used to. I made the decision to go ahead and run, but not to overdo it. It's hard to overdo it when you're pushing 77 pounds anyway... the stroller and the kids slow me down quite a bit, but hey, it's GREAT resistance.

Keith and I were watching "The Biggest Loser" last night and the challenge for the final four was to complete a full marathon. They were all successful; both of the women ran the entire 26.2 miles! Mike walked because he hurt his hip while training (doctor's orders) and his father Ron walked as well, even with all odds stacked against him. It was amazing to see them all cross the finish line! These used to be extremely obese people and in 18 short weeks, they lost enough weight and gained enough strength and endurance to do a marathon. If they can do it, I can do it! Granted, I don't work out with Jillian or Bob 8 hours a day, but I know I'll eventually get there (1/2 marathon 1st please!). The BOB (the brand name of the jogging stroller, not the Biggest Loser trainer!) should whip me into shape in no time! Maybe I'll name my BOB stroller Jillian. Silly, I know, but people name their cars, right?! I can name my stroller if I want to! ;-p

I need to do some research on nutrition for runners. When I was big into losing fat and getting cut last year before we got pregnant, I was accustomed to eating alot of protein. Actually, I ate alot of protein while pregnant also; it is supposed to help avoid developing preeclampsia. I did not cut carbs at all (I love my carbs!), but I was mindful to not sit there and stuff my face with 25 tortillas. Now, from what I've read so far, I think I'm supposed to be on a diet that's 65-75% carbohydrates, some protein, and a little fat. I really am going to have to watch what I eat, not so much RIGHT now, but probably starting in July when my mileage increases. Running is an activity where your body will let you know, rather quickly into a workout, if you are fueling it correctly or not. What you put in is what you get out. High glycemic, white, starchy carbs are NO-NOs. mmmm, too bad they don't make wheat donuts. :)

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