Sunday, May 24, 2009

Yes!!! I did it!

I RAN 2 MILES TODAY!!!! Yay! I am so proud of myself. I did go without the kids and the stroller today because I knew it was going to be tough, but actually, it wasn't. Ok, it wasn't exactly easy... on the last 1/2 mile I had to be mindful to keep my form from getting sloppy to keep my breathing rhythmic, not sporadic. I made 2 miles in 19:30 and then continued to run an extra 30 seconds to get the full 20 minutes in. I am pretty sore from my workout yesterday; I did a Slim-in-6 workout and my hamstrings are tender today. Running didn't hurt, but stretching and doing my foam roller afterwards did. I am so freakin' proud of myself! Gosh, this is what I love about running... the feeling after you're done is so much more rewarding and satisfying than, say, stepping off the stairmaster or another peice of gym equipment. So, 4 more weeks of couch to 5K and I'll have my "base" and be in good enough shape to do some REAL 1/2 marathon training!

Thank you Tyly for finding this recipe! yum yum yum yum! It's a great base recipe. Honey and peanut butter are glue enough to hold ANYTHING together, so the possibilities with this recipe are endless. I had everything but brown rice cereal, so I emprovised and used 1 1/2 cups Kix cereal instead and 1 cup oats. I used 1/2 cup peanut butter and 1/2 cup almond butter. I threw in some whole flax seeds and wheat germ. SOOOO delicious, healthy, and chocked full of vitamins, fiber, and healthy carbs. yum-o!

1 comment:

  1. YAY!

    I'm embarrassed to admit that almost the entire pan is gone! Man, they are SO good! At least everything in them is healthy in one way or another!! I plan to try several different variations.

    Congrats on your 2 miles in such an awesome time!!
