Wednesday, May 20, 2009

well, i was a complete lazy bum this past weekend. i ran last thursday and then proceeded to sit on my booty friday, saturday, and sunday. i should have run on sat. but with my ankles hurting and it raining, i passed. then, on sunday when i REALLY should have made some sort of effort to be active in some way, keith and i opted for grilling burgers out and drinking red wine instead. mmmm. so, 1000 calories and 3 glasses of merlot later, i was spent. yes, the baby got a bottle of pumped milk. :)

so, i got back on schedule on monday. i wore my old, worn out pair of shoes to run in and my ankles actually did better. i still noticed them, but i was able to concentrate on more than "when's my time up??" i can't give the shoes all the credit though, as there are many factors that could have contributed to the run being less painful: the fact that i gave myself a 3 day break over the wk end, maybe my body and my ankles are getting used to running and the pavement again, or perhaps it was the old "broken in" shoes. who knows. i do know that i cannot run many miles in them, as they are already over a year old. so, as originally planned, lizzie and i went to runtex yesterday to get fitted for some new shoes. i walked in and said, "hi. i need a new pair of shoes. for running.... um, obviously." i'm such a dork sometimes. of course i need them for running. why else would i be at RUNtex? anyways, the guy that helped me was really nice. i explained to him that my ankles have been hurting and that i have a tendency to get shin splints. he looked at my feet and had me walk around in the store a bit. i found out that i have high arches, a neutral gait, and my left foot has a tendency to pronate slightly. he brought out 3 pairs of shoes for me to try on and i wound up getting the Mizuno Wave Rider 12.
sounds fancy. and it is! they look awesome and they feel awesome. i went for a walk in them yesterday and as soon as i wrap this up and feed the bebe, i'm going out for my run. hopefully these new shoes will help! oh yeah! exciting news, my weight is down to 115.8 and i was able to put on my favorite pair of pre-prego jeans yesterday. now, ha ha ha, i'm not nearly as cut in them as i was last year, but these things take time... i still have my muffin top, but am looking forward to seeing it go with all this running.

so that was yesterday, here's last march, 2 months before i was pregnant. i'm proud of myself, but i still have alot of toning to do! kinda depressing.

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