Thursday, May 28, 2009

Well, I have to give myself kudos for getting off my butt, abandoning my cup of coffee, and getting my run done early this morning. I ran at 1pm the other day and almost DIED it was so hot! I kind of got discouraged because I really DON'T know when I'm going to run this summer. I've been going about noon or 1pm with the kids because the sun is high in the sky and the sun canopies cover the kids completely, but now that it's getting 90+ outside, I can't do it anymore! I'd LOOOOOOVE to wake up early every morning and go, but have been hesitant because of my boobs. Running with full nursing boobs in the morning when the baby hasn't eaten all night is painful. But, running in the evening isn't really an option either, especially when I get to running long runs... I can't just leave Keith with the kids for an hour and a half while I go off to do 10 miles. But then again, if I take them with me at night, I don't want mosquitos getting them either, and I don't want Lizzie falling asleep for that long that close to bedtime. Plus, there's dinner, bathtime, the whole night routine that we have... I don't know exactly what I'm going to do yet.

And actually, Lizzie did wake up last night to eat, so only 1 boob was really full, but not overly full and painful. I rolled out of bed this morning at 7:14, poured a cup of coffee, and sat down at the table. Keith was reading the paper and I asked him how hot it was supposed to be today... 90. ughhhhhhhh. I thought if I were smart, I'd get ready and go run before he went to work. So I did. It was nice. Nice to run without the stroller, without anyone talking to me, without the wind blowing, without it being 90 degrees out. It was nice to have 45 minutes of peace and quiet (yesterday was one HECK of a day with Bradyn--I went to bed crying and woke up crying because... just because...moms do that sometime, I suppose). I just needed to get out of the house. Without children. So, if my boobs can handle that in the mornings, today was refreshing enough to motivate me to do that more often. About the stroller-- don't get me wrong, I LOVE the stroller, but it doesn't have wind/air vents.. when the wind blows, as it has so many days the last few months, the sun canopies catch the wind and make it so hard to push! It's great resistance, but phew, geez! Oh, and also, Bradyn tries to talk to me the whole time. I can't hear him under the canopy, in the wind, when I'm running and trying to breathe, and when I DO hear him, and give him an answer, he can't hear me. He's like, "What'd you just say Mom?!" Grrrrr! "Nothing Bradyn. Nevermind." "What'd you just say Mom?" (Me, gasping for air...) "I. said. never....mind. Bradyn. I'm trying. to........ BREATHE!!!!" Today I ran 1 mile, walked 3 minutes, ran another mile. I felt kind of crotchedy when I began, but started and finished feeling good, besides a side-stitch. Poo.

1 comment:

  1. You need to give yourself LOTS of kudos!!! I have so much admiration for you! You have two young ones and a very busy schedule, nursing boobs (lol), and a stroller to deal with in addition to surviving a run. You are a rockstar!!!!
